Importing from Kindle

You can import AZW/AZW3 and other supported formats from the Kindle app on your Mac.

First we need to find where the book files are stored so that we can copy them.

Fire up Terminal and type the following command in it:
open ~/Library/Containers/\ Support/Kindle/My\ Kindle\ Content/

NOTE: Alternatively, you can see the full folder path in the Kindle app preferences, under Content Folder.

You now need to be able to find the book you’re looking for, so look through all the files with the book icon and double click them to see which books they are.

After you’ve found the book you want to import, you can use various different ways to send the book to Flash Reader, including by emailing it to yourself, using our free email service, by syncing it with iTunes or by using an app like Dropbox or Google Drive to open it with.

PLEASE NOTEOnly DRM-free (no copy protection) books can be imported, as it is illegal for us to remove the protection.